Psychological Assessment and Selection

One of SPA’s primary core competencies is that of providing psychological evaluation and analysis to various assessment and selection (A&S) programs. For over twenty years, we have provided these services to a variety of organizations throughout the military and federal government, as well as to select private corporations.

Not only can SPA provide experienced operational psychologists to support existing A&S programs, but we can also assist in the development of new programs, or the expansion and improvement of existing programs. We provide detailed in-depth assessments of individuals being considered for extremely sensitive work or provide a more cost-effective psychological screening of potential candidates for larger training programs. SPA’s operational psychologists are competent with most commonly used psychological assessment instruments and have the capability to provide the testing and scoring of these instruments, if appropriate, or use the client’s already administered instruments.

One of our most powerful competencies is our ability to interview the client’s candidates. Our psychologists have an unparalleled ability to conduct structured clinical interviews, both for civilian and military personnel. Valid, reliable test results are only the beginning of our psychological assessments. The interview is critical in developing a practical description of an individual that can be properly used by our clients. Our goal is to provide our clients with a thoughtful but pragmatic and useful analysis that is effective for their requirements. We strive to provide the absolute best assessment possible so that the client makes well-informed hiring decisions.

We are also very experienced in providing psychological observation of various exercise scenarios that may be utilized by the client, as part of the assessment process. Having candidates provide behavioral examples, especially when conducted under varying levels of stress, can be exceptionally helpful in our analyses.

SPA personnel are certified and experienced in a wide range of tools and assessments that are used in the A&S process.